A gorgeous world to explore

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"A model for Age of Empires 4"

"Wars of Liberty has been voted Best Mod for Age of Empires 3... Relic should watch closely to make Age of Empires 4 right."

GameStar Magazine

See what sets Wars of Liberty apart from other mods

40+ Civilizations

From Brazilians to Koreans, Colombians to Zulu. Old civs have been improved too!

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Gameplay changes

Spies full of new abilities. Choose a religion. Start the Great War!

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60+ World Maps

From all over the world. Africa? South America? Europe? They're all here.

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Incredible music

Each civilization starts the game with its own theme. A whole new soundtrack.

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Most Recent Patch

Patch 1.1.1a, "The War Upgrade Plus," was released July 5, 2024. Download it here ➔

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8th Place

9th Place

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Featured by Ensemble Studios, IGN, Tecmundo, GameStar, and more!